Decision Making
Dyevre, Arthur (2025), “Decision Making on the World Court? Does Geopolitics Matter?” forthcoming Journal of Conflict Resolution.
Dyevre, Arthur and Andreu Rodilla Lazaró (2025), “Ideological Polarization on Constitutional Courts: Evidence from Spain,” Working Paper.
Dyevre, Arthur (2025), “EU Empirical Legal Studies and the Reception of EU Law by Domestic Courts: A Critical Examination,” in Naurin, Sadl and Zglinski, EU Empirical Legal Studies, forthcoming Cambridge University Press.
Dyevre, Arthur (2024), La décision juridictionnelle: Introduction à la théorie et à l’empirie du droit, Dalloz.
Dyevre, Arthur (2024), “Aanklagen of schikken? Zijn partijen rationeel of verliesavers?” (Litigating or Settling? Are Litigants Rational or Loss Averse?) in Joeri Vananroye & Dirk Heremans, Valkhuilen in Recht en Economie, Brugge: die Keure.
Dyevre, Arthur (2023), “EU Judicial Behaviour Research: a Look Back and a Look Ahead,” European Politics and Society 25(3): 468-483.
Dyevre, Arthur (2023), “Les pouvoirs du juge constitutionnel dans les démocraties contemporaines,” Revue française de droit constitutionnel 17-26.
Dyevre, Arthur, Lampach, Nicolas and Monika Glavina (2022), “Chilling or Learning? The Effects of Negative Feedback on Inter-Judicial Cooperation in Non-hierarchical Referral Regimes,” Journal of Law and Courts.
Dyevre, Arthur and Wessel Wijtvliet (2021), “Judicial Ideology in Economic Cases: Evidence from the General Court of the European Union,” European Union Politics 22(1):25-45.
Dyevre, Arthur and Nicolas Lampach (2021), “Issue Attention on International Courts: A Text-Mining Approach,” Review of International Organizations 16(4): 793-815.
Dyevre, Arthur, Glavina, Monika and Michal Ovádek (2021), “Raising the Bar: the Emergence and Expansion of Docket Control on the Court of Justice,” Austrian Journal of Public Law (Zeitschrift fuer oeffentliches Recht) 76(2) .
Dyevre, Arthur, and Timothy Yu-Cheong Yeung (2020), “Partisanship and Compliance with Government Measures: Evidence from Belgium During the Covid-19 Pandemic,” Working Paper.
Dyevre, Arthur and Nicolas Lampach (2019), “Choosing for Europe: Judicial Incentives and Legal Integration in the European Union,” European Journal of Law and Economics 50(1): 1-22.
Dyevre, Arthur, Glavina, Monika and Angelina Atanasova (2019), “Who Refers Most? Institutional Incentives and Participation in the Preliminary Ruling System,” Journal of European Public Policy 27(6): 912-930.
Dyevre, Arthur (2019), “Uncertainty and International Adjudication,” Leiden Journal of International Law 32(1): 131-148.
Dyevre, Arthur, with José-Luis Castro-Montero, Edwin Albas and Nicolas Lampach (2018), “The Court of Justice and Treaty Revision: A Case of Strategic Leniency?” European Union Politics 19(4): 570-596.
Dyevre, Arthur (2017), “Domestic judicial defiance and the authority of international legal regimes.” European Journal of Law and Economics 44(3): 453-481.
Dyevre, Arthur (2015), “Technocracy and distrust: Revisiting the rationale for constitutional review.” International Journal of Constitutional Law 13(1): 30-60.
Dyevre, Arthur (October 2013), “Filtered Constitutional Review and the Reconfiguration of Judicial Politics,” American Journal of Comparative Law 61(4): 729-756.
Dyevre, Arthur (2010), “Unifying the Field of Comparative Judicial Politics: Towards a General Theory of Judicial Behaviour,” European Political Science Review 2: 297-327.
Dyevre, Arthur (2010), “Comprendre et analyser l’activité décisionnelle des cours et des tribunaux : l’intérêt de la distinction entre interprétation et concrétisation,’’ Jus Politicum 4:
Dyevre, Arthur (2006), “L’étude de l’activité normative du Conseil constitutionnel et de la Cour constitutionnelle fédérale (Bundesverfassungsgericht),” Annuaire International de Justice Constitutionnelle 21: 39-55.
Dyevre, Arthur (2006), “O lugar das Cortes Constitucionais na produção das normas: estudo da atividade normativa do Conselho Constitucional e do Tribunal Constitucional Federal,” Rivista Opiniaõ Juridica 7: 245-268.
Dyevre, Arthur (2006), “Quelques réflexions sur l’interprétation de la loi par la Cour de cassation et le Conseil d’État,” Revue de la recherche juridique – Droit prospectif 114 (2006) (RRJ 2006-3) : 1247-1274.
European (Dis-)Integration
Dyevre, Arthur, with Mastrandrea, R., Antuofermo, G., Ovádek, M., Yeung, T. C. & Caldarelli, G. (2023), “Coalitions in International Litigation: A Network Perspective,” Philosophical Transactions A 382: 20230158.
Dyevre, Arthur (2022), “Theories of Legal Integration,” The Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law.
Dyevre, Arthur, Ovádek, Michal and Timothey Yu-Cheung Yeung (2022), “Sociological Liberalism: Testing the Socialisation Effect of Trade on Interstate Cooperation,” EUTHORITY Working Paper.
Dyevre, Arthur and Nicolas Lampach (2020), “Spatial Disparities in EU Law Use: Exploring the GEOCOURT Dataset,” Journal of European Public Policy: 1-17.
Dyevre, Arthur, Wijtvliet, Wessel and Nicolas Lampach (2020), “Merchant Hubs and Spatial Disparities in the Private Enforcement of International Trade Regimes,“ International Review of Law & Economics 64: 105946.
Dyevre, Arthur, Lampach, Nicolas and Michal Ovádek (2020), “What’s the Talk in Brussels? Leveraging Information from Daily News Bulletins ,” European Union Politics 21(2): 204-232.
Dyevre, Arthur, Lampach, Nicolas, Ovadek, Michal, Wijtvliet, Wessel and Monika Glavina (2019), “Uncertainty and Legal Disintegration: Evidence from Brexit,” EUTHORITY Working Paper.
Dyevre, Arthur and Nicolas Lampach (2019), “The Unequal Reach of Transnational Institutions: Mapping, Predicting and Explaining Spatial Disparities in EU Law Use,” EUTHORITY Working Paper.
Dyevre, Arthur and Nicolas Lampach (2018), “The Origins of Regional Integration: Untangling the Effect of Trade on Judicial Cooperation,” International Review of Law & Economics 61(4): 729-756.
Dyevre, Arthur, Ovádek, Michal and Kyra Wigard (2021), “Analysing EU Treaty-Making and Litigation with Network Analysis and Natural Language Processing” Frontiers in Physics.
Dyevre, Arthur and Michal Ovadék (2021), “The Voices of European Law: Legislators, Judges and Law Professors” German Law Journal 22(6): 956-982.
Dyevre, Arthur and Timothy Yu-Cheong Yeung (2020), “Disciplining Member States: Does the Public Mood Influence the European Commission?” EUTHORITY Working Paper.
Dyevre, Arthur and Timothy Yu-Cheong Yeung (2020), “Partisanship and Compliance With Government Measures: Evidence from Belgium During the Covid-19 Pandemic,” EUTHORITY Working Paper.
Dyevre, Arthur (2018), “Realism about Legal Integration: Outline of a Soft Legal Realist Approach,” in Pavel, Raimondi and Lenaerts (eds.), The Binding Effect of Judicial Decisions – National and International Perspectives, Wolter Kluwer, pp. 65-84.
Dyevre, Arthur (2016), “Domestic judicial defiance in the European Union: a systemic threat to the authority of EU law?” Yearbook of European Law 35(1): 106-144.
Dyevre, Arthur (2014), “Case Note: If You Can’t Beat, Join Them: The French Constitutional Council’s First Reference to the Court of Justice,” European Constitutional Law Review 10: 154-161.
Dyevre, Arthur (2013), “National Courts and European Integration: Defending Sovereignty under Institutional Constraints,” European Constitutional Law Review 9: 139-168.
Dyevre, Arthur (2012), “The French Parliament and European Integration,” European Public Law 18 (3): 527-547.
Dyevre, Arthur (2012), “The Melki Way: The Melki Case and Everything you Always Wanted to Know about French Judicial Politics (But Were Afraid to Ask),” in Maartje de Visser et al. (eds.), On Constitutional Conversations, Intersentia, pp. 309-322.
Dyevre, Arthur (2011), “The German Federal Constitutional Court and European Judicial Politics,” West European Politics 34: 346-361.
Dyevre, Arthur (2011), “The Europeanization of Social Justice: How Will Judges React in the Member States,” in Wolfgang Micklitz (ed.), The Many Concepts of Social Justice in Private Law, Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar, pp. 277-298.
Dyevre, Arthur (2007), “La prise en compte de critères extra-concurrentiels dans le droit communautaire de la concurrence,” (‘The Room for Consideration of Goals Other than Competition Policy Goals in European Competition Law’) Revue Internationale de Droit Economique 21: 415-440.
Dyevre, Arthur (2005), “The Constitutionalisation of the European Union: Discourse, Present, Future and Facts,” European Law Review 30: 163-187.
Dyevre, Arthur (April 2005), “De quelques fausses croyances sur le traité constitutionnel,” (remarks on the public debate preceding the French referendum on the EU Constitutional Treaty), Opus Citatum.
Dyevre, Arthur (2024), “Adopting the Gold Standard: Field Experimentation for Evidence-Based Judicial Lawmaking,” forthcoming in Van Gestel, Porter & Rubin, Scientific Evidence and Judicial Lawmaking.
Dyevre, Arthur (2023), “Empirical Constitutional Studies.” European Constitutional Law Review: 1-9.
Dyevre, Arthur (2021), “Text-Mining for Lawyers: How Machine Learning Techniques Can Advance our Understanding of Legal Discourse,” Rotterdam Erasmus Law Review.
Dyevre, Arthur (2021), “Exploring and Searching Judicial Decisions with Top2Vec,” in Paul Verbruggen (ed.), Methoden van systematische rechtspraakanalyse: Tussen juridische dogmatiek en data science, The Hague: Boom Uitgevers, pp. 143-161.
Dyevre, Arthur (2020), “The Promise and Pitfalls of Automated Text-Scaling Methods for the Analysis of Jurisprudential Change,” Artificial Intelligence and Law.
Dyevre, Arthur and Michal Ovadék (2020), “Experimental Legal Methods in the Classroom,” Utrecht Law Review 16 : 1-12.
Dyevre, Arthur (2011), “Game Theory and Judicial Behaviour,” in Jerzy Stelmach and Wojciech Zaluski (eds.), Game Theory and the Law, Copernicus Center Press, pp. 115-144.
Argumentation, Rhetoric and Reasoning
Dyevre, Arthur, Shahvaroughi, Ahmad and Henry Otgaar (2025), “Examining the Effects of Mood and Emotional Valence on the Creation of False Autobiographical Memories,” forthcoming Memory and Cognition.
Dyevre, Arthur, with Wessel Wijtvliet (2022), “The Modern Cicero: An Alternative Reading of Ronald Dworkin,” Ratio Juris .
Dyevre, Arthur, Jakab, András and Giulio Itzcovich (2019), “Reply to Comments and Critics,” Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht 79 (2): 433-450.
Dyevre, Arthur, with András Jakab and Giulio Itzcovich (2017), Constitutional Reasoning in Comparative Perspective, Cambridge University Press.
Dyevre, Arthur (2014), “Law and the Evolutionary Turn: The Relevance of Evolutionary Psychology for Legal Positivism,” Ratio Juris 27 (3): 364-386.
Dyevre, Arthur and András Jakab (2013), “Foreword: Understanding Constitutional Reasoning,” German Law Journal 14(7): 983-1016.
Dyevre, Arthur (2010), “Legal Positivism and Evolutionary Psychology: Can Darwin Do Something for Positivist Approaches to the Study of Law?,” in J. Stelmach, B. Brozek, M. Soniewicka (eds.), Studies in the Philosophy of Law vol. 5: Law and Biology, Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press, pp. 103-124.
Law School Reform and Legal Job Market
Dyevre, Arthur (2025), « La recherche empirique en Europe : les défis d’un développement contrasté,” forthcoming Droit & Société.
Dyevre, Arthur, with Aurélie Meeus and Wout Vandermeulen (2024), “Law School Training and the Demand for Specialized Law Graduates: Evidence from a Field Experiment,” working paper, accepted CELS 2024 (Emory).
Dyevre, Arthur, with Wessel Wijtvliet and Nicolas Lampach (2019), “The Future of European Legal Scholarship: Empirical Jurisprudence,” Maastricht Journal of Comparative and International Law 26(3): 348-71.
Dyevre, Arthur, with Wessel Wijtvliet (2019), “Can Peer Assessment Be Used to Improve Students’ Writing Skills? Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial,” EUTHORITY Working Paper.
Dyevre, Arthur (2017), “How to Fix Europe’s Law Schools,” European Review of Private Law 25 (1): 151-168.
Dyevre, Arthur (2015), The Future of Legal Theory and the Law School of the Future, Intersentia.
Other Contributions
Dyevre Arthur (2003), “La protection des personnes soumises à la détention ou à l’emprisonnement,” (The rights of prisoners and detainees under international law) in Nicole Dhéry (ed.), Protéger les droits humains, Paris : Litec/Amnesty International, pp. 317-325.